GRC in Cybersecurity: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Kubernetes Backup and Recovery

Trilio for Kubernetes provides fast and easy backup of application containers and virtual machines, disaster and ransomware recovery and application mobility across any cluster, anywhere

Easy recovery of Kubernetes Virtual Machines and Containers

Restore Virtual Machines as easy as Containers with Trilio

Watch the video to see the simplicity of restoring Virtual Machines in Kubernetes using Trilio.

Designed exclusively for Kubernetes

Easy Install Operator

Simple Operator Hub or Helm based installation


Trilio runs as pods, without the need for sidecars or modification to your applications


Snapshot capture of stateless and stateful applications, PVCs, including VMs

Deployed and managed as CRDs

Trilio extends standard Kubernetes features through Custom Resource Definitions - no separate CLI tool required


Backup & restore helm, label deployments, operators, and VMs using UI or Kubernetes CLI


Linear scale with zero degradation

Configurable Recovery

Select components of your application deployments to recover on any Kubernetes cluster

Data Protection For all Kubernetes Distributions

Trilio is designed to backup and restore applications and VMs deployed on all Kubernetes distributions, on-premises or public cloud

Frequently Asked Questions

Trilio performs application-centric backups, meaning Trilio includes everything which is required to be able to recover your entire application and virtual machines

Trilio protects the following

  • Helm Applications
  • Label based Deployments
  • Operators (including OLM Operators)
  • Virtual Machines
  • Persistent Volumes
  • Container Image Repository
  • Metadata

There are a multiple options to recover your workloads. 

  • Operational Recovery (on the fly)
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Malware and Ransomware Recovery
  • Test/Dev
  • Data Only (Persistent Volumes)
  • Metadata Only (application only)
  • Recover to Any Kubernetes cluster – on-prem or public cloud
  • Files/Folder-Level Restore
Powerful Trilio Transformations allow recoverability of workloads protected on one type of architecture to be recovered to completely different architecture or distribution.
Trilio’s Continuous Restore can continually recover Persistent Volumes to any number of Kubernetes Clusters, providing fast disaster recovery failover.

Trilio is designed for Kubernetes Role Based Access Control, allowing Kubernetes administrators the ability to set policies on who gets the permission to recover workloads and applications.

Furthermore, Trilio uses DEX IdP for Federated IdP and SSO. 

Trilio is not a SaaS service, it is all under your direct control. You simply add Trilio to where you require backup and recovery of your applications, operators and virtual machines and data does not have to leave your datacenter or public cloud region.

Ready to See Trilio for Kubernetes in Action?

Success Story

Major FSI Chooses Trilio for Kubernetes for ARO workload protection


Protecting Your Kubernetes Data: Essential Approaches, for Data Security

Kubernetes Backup and Recovery Use Cases

Kubernetes Backup and Recovery

Recover any application, persistent volume claim, or helm application release, and even operators to any Kubernetes cluster - including recovery of container repostory images.


Use Trilio to migrate workloads from on-premises infrastructure to public clouds such as from Upstream Kubernetes in your datacenter to Google GKE or Red Hat OpenShift on AWS. Trilio provides a powerful Transformation feature that enables application recovery between different architecture and avoid resource conflicts.

Disaster and Ransomware Recovery

Encrypt your backups on any storage. Prevent unauthorized changes with immutable backups. Trust your backups to recover from Ransomware and malware. Recover to any Kubernetes cluster where Trilio is deployed. Utilize Trilio's Continuous Restore feature to continually send the latest Persistent Volume data to any number of other Kubernetes clusters to provide immediate failover in the event of a disaster.


Utilize Trilio as part of development CI/CD pipelines to move data between production, development and testing. Use Trilio's Ansible automation playbooks to execute orchestrated and repeatable backup and recovery actions. And take control of policy and governance through Kyverno and OpenShift ACM.