GRC in Cybersecurity: What It Is and Why It’s Important

OpenStack Backup and Recovery

Trilio for OpenStack has been the leader in enterprise-level OpenStack Virtual Machine and Cinder Volume backup and recovery service since 2013.

Save the day with just one click

Restore Virtual Machines with Trilio One-Click Restore

Watch the video to see the simplicity of restoring Virtual Machines and all of their associated Cinder Volumes, Network information and Metadata with a one-click restore.

Designed exclusively for OpenStack


Role-based access for secured zones within your cloud


A Trilio data mover runs behind the scenes as part of the Nova compute node


Full and Incremental snapshot capture of entire workloads

OpenStack Integrated

Fully integrated as a service in OpenStack, documented RESTful API and native OpenStack CLI


Backup & restore workloads via the OpenStack Dashboard or OpenStack Command Line


Linear scale with zero degradation

Configurable Recovery

Select components of your build to recover

Supported OpenStack Distributions

Trilio is natively installed and managed alongside other OpenStack services using the distribution’s deployment process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Trilio performs application-centric backups, meaning Trilio includes everything which is required to be able to recover your entire application

Trilio collects the following during a backup:

  • Complete Disk Volumes (Boot and Cinder) at the Block Storage Level
  • Complete Network Topology (including Subnets, Networks, Ports and capture MAC address)
  • Storage Volumes from Cinder, or directly from Ceph for very efficient backups
  • Cinder Volume Configuration, Cinder Types, Metadata
  • Security Groups and Keys
  • VMs (Single or Multiple VMs)
  • VM Metadata & Flavors (Size of VMs)
  • Boot Image and overlays

There are a multiple options to recover your workloads. 

  • Operational Recovery (on the fly)
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Test/Dev
  • New Availability Zone
  • New Clouds
  • Files/Folder-Level Restore
Metadata, such as changing Cinder Volume Types, changing networks, recover complete Network Topology and resizing VMs are all supported by Trilio

In general it is up to your Role-Based-Access-Control policy who gets the permission to recover workloads and applications.

Common Roles are for instance:

  • Cloud Administrators
  • Backup Administrators
  • Tenants / Project User

Ready to See Trilio for OpenStack in Action?

Success Story

Telefonica Shares Success Story


Migrating Virtual Machines from VMware to OpenStack

OpenStack Backup and Recovery Use Cases

OpenStack Backup and Recovery

Recover any OpenStack application quickly in the event of data loss or misconfiguration. Trilio enables easy restoration of entire workloads that reflect the clouds last best-known state. Such as One-Click-Restore to entire project recovery on different clusters.


A tenant or administrator can capture an application and its data and non-disruptively migrate that exact point-in-time to another OpenStack cloud. The need to migrate OpenStack workloads can be driven by economics, security or test/dev.

Disaster Recovery

Recover any OpenStack application quickly in the event of a disaster. Trilio enables easy restoration of entire workloads that reflect the clouds last best-known state. Trilio makes OpenStack disaster recovery easy.

Network Functions Virtualization backup and recovery (NFV)

Business critical services like NFV can quickly be configured to any state, assuring the optimal quality of service. Trilio provides recovery from data damage and allows restoration of entire VNFs, selected VNFs, or individual data items using a point-in-time working copy. The platform also allows recovery from a disaster by restoring the OpenStack network topology and populating it with a working copy of the entire NFV.