New Cloud-Native Data Protection Platform Now Red Hat Certified; Available for Deployment via OpenShift OperatorHub FRAMINGHAM, Mass.—April 28, 2020—Trilio, a leading provider of cloud-native data protection, today announced that its new product, TrilioVault for Kubernetes, has achieved Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification. TrilioVault for Kubernetes is a cloud-native, application-centric backup and recovery platform for the fast-growing segment of enterprises deploying applications on containers managed by Kubernetes. Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification provides users with confidence that critical software components running on Red Hat OpenShift can be deployed and managed across both private and public clouds. Certification validates the interoperability of TrilioVault for Kubernetes with Red Hat OpenShift and provides collaborative customer support between Trilio and Red Hat. IT managers, backup administrators, and application developers can locate and easily install TrilioVault for Kubernetes from the OpenShift OperatorHub under the Data Protection category. “Red Hat customers have always had a great choice for backup and recovery, migration and mobility with TrilioVault,” said Thomas Lahive, VP of alliances and strategic account sales at Trilio. “Trilio has been at the forefront of data protection for cloud environments powered by Red Hat, from Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Red Hat Virtualization to today’s announcement supporting Red Hat OpenShift. TrilioVault for Kubernetes offers a unique, application-centric approach to backup and recovery for cloud-native applications based on Red Hat OpenShift and is now certified and available in the OpenShift OperatorHub.” “Since 2017, Trilio and Red Hat have worked together to help drive innovation around data protection technologies. Today, Trilio is extending this collaboration with Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification. Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification validates that TriloVault for Kubernetes meets stringent testing requirements and shows that it offers a scalable, supported and consistent Operator for enterprise cloud deployments,” said Julio Tapia, senior director, Cloud Platforms ecosystem, Red Hat. “By providing the TrilioVault for Kubernetes Operator on Red Hat OpenShift, users can begin experiencing the next level of benefits from a Kubernetes-native infrastructure, with a service designed to ‘just work’ across the cloud where Kubernetes runs.” More about TrilioVault for Kubernetes Today, Trilio also announced early access availability of TrilioVault for Kubernetes. TrilioVault for Kubernetes offers backup and recovery of the entire application, including data, metadata and any other Kubernetes objects associated with the application, so it is protected and able to be restored from any point in time. TrilioVault for Kubernetes supports applications provisioned via Operators, Helm or Labels within upstream Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift environments. Additionally, the platform is cloud agnostic offering customers the agility to move with the application across public and private cloud infrastructure, as well as having compatibility with any type of NFS or S3 hardware- or software-defined storage configuration. TrilioVault for Kubernetes is a native Kubernetes application that leverages core Kubernetes APIs and the CSI framework to provide simple snapshot, backup and restore operations as well as making it seamless to deploy and manage. TrilioVault for Kubernetes also extends core functionality of monitoring and logging through Prometheus and Grafana. Learn More IT managers, backup administrators and developers can learn more about the product, watch demos, experience live test drive scenarios and download a free trial at About Trilio Data Trilio is trusted by cloud infrastructure operators to deliver data protection, backup and recovery, migration and infrastructure version management. Our TrilioVault technology supports Kubernetes, OpenStack and Red Hat Virtualization environments to recover from disasters, migrate workloads, move workloads to new infrastructure and migrate to new software distributions. Follow us at and on Twitter: @triliodata. ### Media Contact: Robert Cathey for Trilio Data e [email protected] +1 865-386-6118 Red Hat, the Red Hat logo, and OpenShift are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. The OpenStack Word Mark is either a registered trademark/service mark or trademark/service mark of the OpenStack Foundation, in the United States and other countries, and is used with the OpenStack Foundation\’s permission. Red Hat is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the OpenStack Foundation, or the OpenStack community.
TrilioVault for Kubernetes Achieves Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification
Enterprise Backup and Recovery for OpenStack and Kubernetes made easy. Avoid Vendor Lock-in. Encryption per Application. Disaster Recovery
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