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IDC Profiles Cloud-Native Data Services Market and Trilio | Trilio

IDC Profiles Cloud-Native Data Services Market and Trilio

Table of Contents

By Trilio Content Team | September 2, 2021

IDC analysis profiles Trilio’s Kubernetes data protection and management platform for containerized applications across the multi-cloud infrastructure. The vendor profile includes an IDC Opinion on the container market, an overview of Trilio, and an IDC Future Outlook for Kubernetes users and adoption.

Download a PDF of the report: Cloud-Native Data Services for Kubernetes with a Focus on Application Resiliency

IDC findings and highlights:

  • The state of the container market and requirements for protection and migration of persistent storage
  • Reasons why traditional data protection methods don’t scale well in containerized environments
  • New requirements for Ransomware detection and defense
  • User Case Study with V3 Main Technologies, which is protecting its multi-cloud container environment
  • TrilioVault for Kubernetes (TVK) platform overview & pricing

TrilioVault for Kubernetes Management Console

Read IDC’s Analysis on Cloud-Native Data Services for K8s

IDC Report on Kubernetes Data Protection

“Since the use of containers allows applications to be split into potentially many components, each of which runs in its own container, these environments can increase the number of data objects (i.e., storage volumes) that have to be managed by one to two orders of magnitude (relative to traditional or VM-based environments). Traditional data governance approaches do not scale well into this range and do not offer the granularity needed to manage data effectively in these types of environments.”

V3Main Technologies Spotlight

“V3Main Technologies uses Kubernetes to containerize clients and its own applications to enable a microservices-based DevOps model. Its greatest challenge is how to manage its Kubernetes clusters and the storage volumes supporting them in a hybrid cloud environment. Venkat Maddikayala, president of V3Main Technologies, said for the past six months he’s been using TrilioVault for Kubernetes for cloud-native backup and restore and for migrations across multiple clouds and multiple Kubernetes clusters.”