Reference Guide: Optimizing Backup Strategies for Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization

Red Hat OpenShift FAQ

  • Which OpenShift version am I running?

    # Upstream

    kubectl version # alternative: kubectl get nodes -o yaml | grep -w kubeletVersion
    kubectl describe deployment k8s-triliovault-control-plane | grep RELEASE_TAG


    oc version # RHOCP/OKD version. Alternative: oc get nodes -o yaml | grep -w containerRuntimeVersion # rhaos<ocp_version>.<commit>.<rhel_version>
    oc get nodes # upstream K8s version running on each node. Alternative: oc get nodes -o yaml | grep -w kubeletVersion
    oc describe deployment k8s-triliovault-control-plane -n trilio-system | grep RELEASE_TAG # v3.x or higher
    oc describe deployment k8s-triliovault-control-plane -n openshift-operators | grep RELEASE_TAG # Pre-3.x
  • How to activate debug logs in Red Hat OpenShift?

    # Upstream

    kubectl patch triliovaultmanager triliovault-manager -p '{"spec":{"logLevel":"Debug","datamoverLogLevel":"Debug"}}' --type merge
    #kubectl edit triliovaultmanager triliovault-manager
    #kubectl get configmap k8s-triliovault-config -o yaml | grep -i loglevel
    #kubectl patch triliovaultmanager triliovault-manager -p '{"spec":{"logLevel":null,"datamoverLogLevel":null}}' --type merge # revert to standard level

    # RHOCP/OKD (v3.x or higher)

    oc patch triliovaultmanager triliovault-manager -n trilio-system -p '{"spec":{"logLevel":"Debug","datamoverLogLevel":"Debug"}}' --type merge
    #oc edit triliovaultmanager triliovault-manager -n trilio-system
    #oc get configmap k8s-triliovault-config -n trilio-system -o yaml | grep -i loglevel
    #oc patch triliovaultmanager triliovault-manager -n trilio-system -p '{"spec":{"logLevel":null,"datamoverLogLevel":null}}' --type merge # revert to standard level

    # RHOCP/OKD (Pre-3.x)

    oc patch configmap k8s-triliovault-config -n openshift-operators -p '{"data":{"tvkConfig":"name: tvk-instance\nlogLevel: Debug\ndatamoverLogLevel: Debug"}}'
    #oc edit configmap -n openshift-operators k8s-triliovault-config
    #oc patch configmap k8s-triliovault-config -n openshift-operators -p '{"data":{"tvkConfig":"name: tvk-instance"}}' # revert to standard level
  • How does RBAC work in OpenShift with respect to Trilio?

    Trilio uses Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and operates within project scope in OpenShift, allowing similar Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to be applied to Trilio resources. Users can control actions on specific Trilio resources, ensuring proper access management. For more details, please refer to the Trilio RBAC documentation.

  • How to encrypt backups in OpenShift?

    User needs to create master encryption in trilio-system NS using this document

    Post hat user can easily create encrypted backup in UI where using UI user can create secret too. Please refer this document

    To restore to the same cluster, the user needs to have the same key to present both master encryption secret and  encryption secret that was created at NS level.

    To restore to different cluster users first need to have both master encryption secret and  encryption secret that was created at NS level.

  • How do I collect logs and submit them to support if I encounter an issue? 

    Install the Krew plugin to help collect and submit log bundles whenever you encounter issues with Trilio backup and restore. Detailed instructions can be found here: TVK Log Collector Documentation

  • Does Trilio support backup of Hotplug disks connected to Virtual Machines running on OpenShift?

    No T4K can’t take backup of HotPlug disks connected to Virtual Machines running on OpenShift.

  • T4K After upgrading Trilio dex pod is failing with the error dex init failed, with error: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: unknown connector type

    Follow these steps:

    oc -n trilio-system delete secret triliovault-dex (delete the trilio-dex secret)
    oc -n trilio-system delete po <admission web hook pod> (Restart the k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook pod)