Key Concepts and Best Practices for OpenShift Virtualization

Openstack FAQ

  • Which T4O version am I running?
    sudo lxc-attach `sudo lxc-ls -f | grep dmapi | awk '{print $1}'` -- bash -c 'sudo dpkg -l | grep dmapi' # controllers
    sudo lxc-attach `sudo lxc-ls -f | grep horizon | awk '{print $1}'` -- bash -c 'sudo dpkg -l | grep -E "tvault|workloadmgr|contego"' # controllers
    sudo dpkg -l | grep -Ei 'trilio|tvault|workloadmgr|s3|dmapi|dm_api|datamover|data_mover|contego' # computes
  • What are the Trilio services on the control plane and compute plane?

    Control Plane Services:

    wlm-cron (runs on one node)
    wlm-api (runs on all controller nodes)
    wlm-workloads (runs on all controller nodes)
    wlm-scheduler (runs on all controller nodes)
    trilio-datamover-api (runs on all controller nodes)
    Compute Plane Services:
    trilio-datamover (runs on all compute nodes)
  • How can I check if the Trilio TVM credentials are valid in OpenStack?

    Run, from inside the TVM (or the WLM-API container):

    #CONFIG_FILE="/etc/triliovault-wlm/triliovault-wlm*.conf" # v5.x
    unset "${!OS_@}" && openstack versions show --os-username `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^admin_user | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-password `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^admin_password | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-project-name `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^admin_tenant_name | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-project-domain-id `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^project_domain_id | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-user-domain-id `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^user_domain_id | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-auth-url `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^auth_url | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --insecure --debug
    unset "${!OS_@}" && openstack versions show --os-username `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^username | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-password `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^password | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-project-name `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^project_name | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-project-domain-id `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^project_domain_id | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-user-domain-id `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^user_domain_id | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --os-auth-url `sudo cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | grep -w ^auth_url | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'` --insecure --debug

    If the OpenStack service versions are listed, credentials are OK.

  • How can I mount a snapshot disk image locally, without using the File Recovery Manager VM?
    sudo lsmod | grep nbd # if not loaded, load it: sudo modprobe nbd max_part=16 # this will only work if the module 'nbd' is built into the kernel: sudo ls /sys/module | grep -w nbd
    sudo qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 /var/trilio/triliovault-mounts/L21udC90dmF1bHQva29sbGF0YXJnZXRuZnM=/workload_847dbe3f-6ff7-4ead-ab06-186713c3d53f/snapshot_91d7c684-7296-44cd-bec6-92eefc73f58b/vm_id_a2f706a3-d202-4300-8bcb-d667230a3091/vm_res_id_b465433c-1037-404a-81f7-264098795365_vda/1940843e-e6b9-4555-afc9-b8fd50e54226
    sudo fdisk /dev/nbd0 -l
    sudo mkdir /mnt/qcow_disk
    sudo mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/qcow_disk
    sudo ls -lrt /mnt/qcow_disk
    sudo umount /mnt/qcow_disk
    sudo rmdir /mnt/qcow_disk
    sudo qemu-nbd --disconnect /dev/nbd0
    #sudo rmmod nbd # only if you want to unload the module
  • A restore failed. How do I know which compute host failed to spin up my VM?

    1. Grab the restore ID

    workloadmgr snapshot-list --workload_id a0e61dc0-14eb-4e43-8c4f-ae25ac4fa8c0
    workloadmgr restore-list --snapshot_id 546b542a-9fba-4484-848d-da730b4e46c6

    2. In the TVM logs, get the ID of the instance that was trying to spin up:

    sudo cat /var/log/workloadmgr/workloadmgr-workloads.log* | grep CopyBackupImageToVolume.execute.*ENTER | grep <restore_id> | awk '{print $9}' | cut -f1 -d"," | sort | uniq

    3. Grab the host from the OpenStack DB (inside the OpenStack controller):

    # Ansible
    sudo lxc-attach `sudo lxc-ls -f | grep galera | awk '{print $1}'` -- mysql -u root -p`sudo cat /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml | grep ^galera_root_password | awk '{print $NF}'` -e "select uuid,display_name,node,launched_on,created_at,deleted_at from nova.instances where uuid='a2454040-d4ed-4711-8d5e-6b3637f69aa9'\G"
    # Kolla
    sudo docker exec -itu root `sudo docker ps | grep mariadb | awk '{print $NF}'` mysql -u root -p`sudo cat /etc/kolla/passwords.yml | grep ^database_password | awk '{print $NF}'` -e "select uuid,display_name,node,launched_on,created_at,deleted_at from nova.instances where uuid='a2454040-d4ed-4711-8d5e-6b3637f69aa9'\G
  • Where are logs located in T4O?


    /var/log/workloadmgr/tvault-config.log # logs from the T4O configuration
    /var/log/workloadmgr/ansible-playbook.log # pre-checks from the configurator
    /var/log/workloadmgr/ # logs from the S3 plugin


    # Pre-5.x
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-datamover-api/dmapi.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-datamover/tvault-contego.log # computes
    /var/log/tvault-object-store/tvault-object-store.log # inside the triliovault-datamover container
    # v5.x
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-wlm-api/triliovault-wlm-api.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-wlm-api/triliovault-object-store.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-wlm-cron/triliovault-wlm-cron.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-wlm-cron/triliovault-object-store.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-wlm-scheduler/triliovault-wlm-scheduler.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-wlm-scheduler/triliovault-object-store.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-wlm-workloads/triliovault-wlm-workloads.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-wlm-workloads/triliovault-object-store.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-datamover-api/triliovault-datamover-api.log # controllers
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-datamover/triliovault-datamover.log # computes
    /var/log/kolla/triliovault-datamover/triliovault-object-store.log # computes


    sudo lxc-attach `sudo lxc-ls -f | grep dmapi | awk '{print $1}'` -- journalctl --no-pager # controllers. Control tail and fork with --lines <nr_lines> and -f
    /openstack/log/*dmapi*/dmapi/dmapi.log # controllers
    /var/log/tvault-contego/tvault-contego.log # computes
    /var/log/tvault-object-store/tvault-object-store.log # computes
  • How is the backup data stored inside the Trilio target?


    In NFS, mount points mounted in TVM/Computes in: /var/trilio/triliovault-mounts/<base64_mount_point>/
    In S3/Ceph, mount points are in TVM/Computes in: /var/trilio/triliovault-mounts/

    # The mount point might be different in different Trilio versions or editions

    Mount point hash:

    # Trilio Pre-4.2:

    > Converting from mount point to base64:
    echo -n | base64 
    > Converting from base64 to mount point:
    echo MTAuMTA1LjEwNS4xMTE6L3ZvbC90cmlsaW8= | base64 -d
    # Trilio 4.2 or higher:
    > Converting from mount point to base64:
    echo -n /vol/trilio | base64 
    > Converting from base64 to mount point:
    echo L3ZvbC90cmlsaW8= | base64 -d
    # There is one directory under the mountpoint with the UUID of the user triliovault, with metadata information # openstack user list --project service
    # The others are named workload_<wid>
    # For containers, in computes, mounts are inside the Trilio container: sudo docker exec -itu root triliovault_datamover bash
  • How can I test a S3 bucket, before installing any Trilio-related software?

    Connecting to and testing a S3 bucket:

    sudo apt install -y awscli # Ubuntu
    sudo yum install -y awscli # RHEL
    #curl "" -o "" && unzip && sudo ./aws/install # if no repos are available
    #sudo pip3 install awscli # this command can also be used if running from a TVM. Using sudo is MANDATORY so we don't touch the virtual environment!
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=Z3GZYLQN7Jaaaaaaaaab
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=abcdefghvlkdNzvvzmrkFpd1R5pKg4aoME7IhSXp
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=default
    #export AWS_CA_BUNDLE=./ca-bundle.crt # to specify a CA bundle. To completely bypass SSL check, add --no-verify-ssl to aws commands
    export S3_ENDPOINT_URI=http://ceph.trilio.demo/ # or
    export S3_TEST_BUCKET_URI=bucket1
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=./testimage.img bs=1K count=102400 iflag=fullblock # create a 100MB test image
    aws s3 --endpoint-url $S3_ENDPOINT_URI mb s3://${S3_TEST_BUCKET_URI}
    aws s3 --endpoint-url $S3_ENDPOINT_URI ls | grep ${S3_TEST_BUCKET_URI} # confirm the bucket exists
    aws s3 --endpoint-url $S3_ENDPOINT_URI cp ./testimage.img s3://${S3_TEST_BUCKET_URI}/
    aws s3 --endpoint-url $S3_ENDPOINT_URI ls s3://${S3_TEST_BUCKET_URI} | grep testimage.img # confirm the image is in the bucket
    aws s3 --endpoint-url $S3_ENDPOINT_URI rm s3://${S3_TEST_BUCKET_URI}/testimage.img
    rm -f ./testimage.img
    #aws s3 --endpoint-url $S3_ENDPOINT_URI rb s3://${S3_TEST_BUCKET_URI} # only if this bucket was created only for this purpose. Add --force to forcefully delete all contents
    #Note: if any issues are found while running above aws commands, get more detail by adding the flag --debug
  • How do I restore a VM on a provider network?

    Restoring a VM on an external or provider network is an admin-level function. To use Trilio for backing up and restoring VMs on an external network, ensure the Trustee role is set as admin during Trilio installation. Additionally, the user performing the backup and restore must have an admin role in the project.

  • How does Trilio handle multi-tenant environments in OpenStack?

    Trilio is designed to support multi-tenant environments through role-based access control (RBAC). Each tenant can manage their own backups and restores independently, ensuring isolation and security between tenants.

  • What are the Trilio services on the control plane and compute plane?

    Control Plane Services:

    wlm-cron (runs on one node)
    wlm-api (runs on all controller nodes)
    wlm-workloads (runs on all controller nodes)
    wlm-scheduler (runs on all controller nodes)
    trilio-datamover-api (runs on all controller nodes)
    Compute Plane Services:
    trilio-datamover (runs on all compute nodes)
  • What is the correct procedure to upgrade Trilio when upgrading the cloud environment? 

    Follow these steps for a proper upgrade:First, upgrade your cloud environment.Then, upgrade Trilio according to the specific cloud distribution you are using.

  • How do I migrate VMs between two clouds in OpenStack?

    To migrate VMs between two OpenStack clouds, use the same NFS/S3 storage or ensure replication at the storage level. Assuming both clouds share the same backup storage, this process involves admin functions. First, identify workloads not originating from the same cloud using:

    workloadmgr workload-get-importworkloads-list

    Then, import the identified workloads to the second cloud with:

    workloadmgr workload-reassign-workloads --new_tenant_id <new_tenant_id> --workload_ids <workload_id> --user_id <user_id> --migrate_cloud True

    Finally, restore the workload backup on the second cloud, using selective restore to map the VM to new resources such as network and volume type.

  • How to enable and disable the Global Job Scheduler using command line?

    A. To enable and disable the Global Job Scheduler Cloud admin user’s Privilege is required. So first step is to source the file containing credentials of Cloud admin User

    B.  Run the following command:  source /home/stack/myansible/bin/activate

    C.Verify What is the status of Global Scheduler using following command:

         workloadmgr get-global-job-scheduler

    D. To disable the Global Job Scheduler, run the following command

          workloadmgr  disable-global-job-scheduler

    E. To enable the Global Job Scheduler run the following command

         Workloadmgr enable-global-job-scheduler

  • How can I modify the scheduler settings of individual workload using command line?

     Follow these steps on Trilio Vault Appliance

       A. Source the openstack credentials for the admin user

      B. Activate the virtual env by following command:

    source /home/stack/myansible/bin/activate

       C. First disable the scheduler of the workload with following command:

    workloadmgr --os-project-id <Project-id> workload-modify <workload-id>                                  --jobschedule  enabled=false

     D. Enable the scheduler again using following command:

    workloadmgr --os-project-id <project-id> workload-modify <workload-id> --jobschedule  enabled=true \
     --jobschedule 'start_time'='5:00 PM'  --jobschedule 'interval' : '24 hr' \
     --jobschedule  'Number of days to retain Snapshots' \
     --jobschedule 'retention_policy_value' : '30' \
     --jobschedule 'fullbackup_interval' : '7'
  • How to check what is the value of Trustee role settings?

    On Trilio Appliance run this command

    grep trustee /etc/workloadmgr/workloadmgr.conf
  • How to reset the Trilio Appliance GUI password?

     In case of the Trilio Dashboard being lost it can be resetted as long as SSH access to the appliance is available.

    To reset the password to its default do the following:

    [root@TVM1 ~]# source /home/stack/myansible/bin/activate
    (myansible) [root@TVM1 ~]# cd /home/stack/myansible/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tvault_configurator
    (myansible) [root@TVM1 tvault_configurator]# python
    (myansible) [root@TVM1 tvault_configurator]# systemctl restart tvault-config

    The dashboard login will be reset to:

    Username: admin

    Password: password

  • How to install workloadmgr CLI on Centos7 and Centos8 from an online repository?

    To install the latest available workloadmgr package for a Trilio release from the Trilio repository the following steps need to be done:

    Create the Trilio yum repository file /etc/yum.repos.d/trilio.repo

    Enter the following details into the repository file:

    name=Trilio Repository
    baseurl=http://trilio:[email protected]:8283/triliovault-<Trilio-Release>/yum/

    Install the workloadmgr client issuing the following command:

    For CentOS7: yum install workloadmgrclient
    For CentOS8: yum install python-3-workloadmgrclient-el8

    An example installation can be found below:

    [root@controller ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/trilio.repo
    name=Trilio Repository
    baseurl=http://trilio:[email protected]:8283/triliovault-4.0/yum/
  • How to recreate the cloud admin Trust from Trilio Appliance?

     A. On Trilio Appliance source the credentials of cloud administrator

    B. Run this command source /home/stack/myansible/bin/activate

    C. Create cloud admin trust using following command:

     Syntax of command: workloadmgr trust-create [--is_cloud_trust {True,False}] <role_name>
                  Example command:
                  workloadmgr trust-create --is_cloud_trust True admin
                  workloadmgr trust-create --is_cloud_trust True Admin (This command is for canonical based openstack where admin role is Admin)